The procurement process involves many terms related to internal policies and external legal requirements. It is important to understand these terms when making a purchase. The terms and definitions below are applicable to employees on all UMass campuses and in the President’s Office.
Term | Definition |
Bank Card | The University authorized commercial credit card used as a payment method for those vendors that do not accept a purchase order, as a mechanism for emergency purchases, and as a payment method in lieu of employee travel reimbursement. Bank card use must comply with the UMass Bank Card Use Standard. |
Campus | Any of the individual campuses of the University of Massachusetts maintained at Amherst, Boston, Dartmouth, Lowell, and Worcester and the University of Massachusetts President’s Office. |
Competitive Procurement | The acquisition of goods and/or services through fair and open competition where multiple contractors have been considered and evaluated prior to selection and purchase. |
Contractor | An individual, company, or other entity engaged to provide goods or perform services for—or on behalf of—the University under a purchase agreement, other than in an employment status, and minimally supervised by University personnel. Contractors must meet the requirements for independent contractors under state and federal law, including M.G.L. c.149, section 148B. The term “contractor” may be interchangeably referred to herein or in the University’s BuyWays system as “supplier.” Questions or guidance concerning independent contractor status should be directed to the Campus Chief Human Resources Officer. |
Commodity Approver | The person designated by a campus with managerial responsibility for the risk related to aspects of particular goods and/or services as set forth in Additional Requirements for Certain Goods and/or Services. |
Department | A functional unit within the University seeking to procure goods and/or services under the Procurement Policy and Administrative Standards. |
Expenditure Authority | The power to approve the expenditure of funds necessary as a prerequisite to exercising signature authority, consistent with Delegations of Authority as authorized by the Board of Trustees in the Procurement Policy. |
Goods | Products, material, commodities, leases (including equipment, vehicles, or other tangible personal property) and licenses (including software, information, or electronic journals). The terms “goods” or “services” may be used individually or together written as “goods and/or services”. |
Legal Services | Attorneys or law firms retained to provide legal advice, representation, or other services for the University, a Campus, or University employees in matters relating to their official duties. Any attorney or law firm retained by the University on a permanent, temporary, or consultant basis shall be approved and retained by, and subject to the continuing supervision of, the General Counsel of the University, pursuant to the vote of the Board of Trustees, May 1, 1974. |
Lobbying Services | The engagement of individuals or entities to act on behalf of the University or a campus to promote, oppose, influence, or attempt to influence the decision-making of any officer or employee of a state or federal executive branch, agency, or authority, or to promote, oppose, influence or attempt to influence the introduction, sponsorship, consideration, action or non-action with respect to any state or federal legislation. |
Price or Cost | The value or estimated value of the monies paid or expended related to the acquisition of goods and/or services over the term of a purchase agreement, including any renewals or extensions thereof. Price or cost may include either solely the price of the actual goods and/or services, or for comparison purposes, the total cost of acquisition and ownership, whichever is most prudent. |
Purchase Agreement | Any written or electronic legally-binding set of terms and conditions whether signed by hand, electronically, or “click to accept” between the University and an external individual or entity for the provision of goods and/or services, where value is exchanged. This includes, without limitation, a University contract for services, a University purchase order, master agreements, master services agreements, agreements, contracts, memorandums of agreement/understanding, letters of intent, amendments, sub-contracts, proof of concept agreements, trial agreements, or any other written or electronic legally-binding set of terms and conditions between the University and an external individual or entity. |
Purchase Order | A purchase order issued from the UPST system of record (BuyWays) which has attached to it the University’s then-current standard purchase order terms and conditions. |
Real Property | Includes, but may not be limited to land, buildings, air rights, water rights, and mineral rights owned by the University and property of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts which has been entrusted to the University for stewardship. All procurement transactions related to Real Property must comply with the Capital Planning, Land and Facilities Use Policy (T93-122, as amended). |
Real Property Agreement |
Any written or electronic legally-binding set of terms and conditions whether signed by hand or electronically, between the University and an external individual or entity pertaining to real property. All procurement transactions related to real property must comply with the Capital Planning, Land and Facilities Use Policy (T93-122, as amended). |
RFX(s) | Invitations to bid including but not limited to, requests for proposals, requests for quotes, requests for information and/or a combination of these. |
Services | Duties, work, or activities performed by an individual, company, or entity for the University under a written purchase agreement or performed by the University for a third party pursuant to a purchase agreement. Legal Services, as defined herein, are expressly excluded from the definition of “services.” The terms “goods” or “services” may be used individually or together written as “goods and/or services”. |
Signature Authority |
The power to enter into and execute (whether by hand, electronic, or “click to accept”) a purchase agreement on behalf of the University (including a department). Signature authority is granted under the Treasurer’s Delegations, as defined by T97-014 and the Procurement Policy. |
Specifications | The quantity, quality, durability, availability, serviceability, and other factors affecting suitability of goods and/or services, or contractor as well as contractual terms and conditions required by the requesting department or the University. |