Our mission is to provide quality services to the campuses in a professional manner, utilizing the advantages of economies of scale in reducing costs and increasing quality wherever possible. The Treasurer’s Office has sole responsibility for all traditional treasury finance functions of the University of Massachusetts including managing all financial institution relationships, external portfolio managers, securities investment, cash management, and bank reconciliation. In addition, the Treasurer’s Office provides services in the areas of tax administration, policy development, risk mitigation, and insurance and claims administration for the five campuses. The Treasurer’s Office has additional responsibilities for check production along with payroll deduction disbursements.

UMass Disbursement Payment Strategies
The University is implementing a system-wide disbursement strategy – a comprehensive payables framework - for paying our suppliers. The goal of the program is to move from inefficient and costly payment methods, such as checks, to electronic payments that are more secure and efficient. The University’s program offers suppliers more favorable payment terms when utilizing the University’s preferred payment solutions.

Nonresident Alien Tax & Compliance Program
UMass provides services that will assist a Nonresident Alien (NRA) for tax purposes with the appropriate U.S. withholding rate. We also will assist you with information regarding tax treaty benefits and will supply the correct tax reporting documents for filing a U.S. tax return.
Access the Nonresident Alien Tax and Compliance Program site

Bank at Work
This content has been moved to the Payroll website.