The following commodities are restricted and cannot be purchased using a UMass Bank Card:
- Alcoholic beverages (please refer to the Business & Travel Expense policy and your campus approval matrix for specific campus allowability)
- Amazon Prime accounts
- Animals
- Any item prohibited by State or University policy
- Item that can be purchased in BuyWays
- Capital equipment (greater than $5,000)
- Cash advances of any type
- Cell phones and monthly invoices
- Computers
- Construction, renovations and the related materials thereto
- Equipment in excess of $500
- Flowers (please refer to the Business & Travel Expense policy and your campus approval matrix for specific campus allowability)
- Upholstered Furniture
- Gasoline for personal vehicle
- Gifts (please refer to the Business & Travel Expense policy and your campus approval matrix for specific campus allowability)
- Gift cards (please refer to the Business & Travel Expense policy and your campus approval matrix for specific campus allowability)
- Insurance
- Lease and lease-purchases
- Moving services
- Personal purchases
- Prescription drugs and controlled substances
- Radioactive and hazardous material
- Rentals (except vehicle rentals for approved travel)
- Service contracts
- Split transactions – transactions over the approved limit on the UMass Card account may not be intentionally ‘split’ to bypass the limit
- UMass Club memberships unless approved by the University President
- Upholstered furniture