Welcome to the UMass President's Office! New employees must complete a number of forms before employment officially begins. We ask that you print and fill out each form below and bring the completed forms to the Office of Human Resources on or before your first day of work. Below, you will find forms to complete, as well as some helpful information about working at the President’s Office. If you have any questions regarding your new employee paperwork, please contact Kim Burke by email at kburke@umassp.edu or by phone 774-528-0265.
Required Forms
Certain part-time, seasonal or temporary employees of the University are required to participate in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Deferred Compensation Plan ("OBRA Plan") as an alternative to the Old Age, Survivors and Disability Income portion of the Federal Insurance Contributions Act. The OBRA Plan is permitted by the federal Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1990. As an OBRA employee, you must contribute 7.5% of your gross compensation per pay period to the plan. These mandatory contributions will default into the SMART Capital Preservation Fund. You also have the option to invest in the SMARTPath Retirement Funds. You may do this by electing this investment option on your enrollment form or by logging into your account and making this election. Please review the OBRA Investing Options Guide for additional information.
You may also make additional voluntary contributions to the plan.
OBRA Enrollment- You will be automatically enrolled into the Mandatory OBRA plan, however you must fill out the Mandatory OBRA Enrollment Form to elect your investments and designate your beneficiaries.
Attached is the Mandatory OBRA Information Guide.
Under the federal Affordable Care Act, all employees must be notified of their health coverage options, including the availability of coverage through the Health Insurance Marketplace (in Massachusetts, the Massachusetts Health Connector). This notice provides some basic information concerning your current coverage and the availability of other coverage to assist you in comparing your options.
- Computer Awareness & Data Security Statement
- Personal Data Questionnaire
- Shrewsbury Site Parking Form
- SSA-1945 - Statement concerning your employment in a job not covered by Social Security
- Voluntary Self-Identification of Disability
Optional Forms
- Elective Deferral Retirement Savings Plans
- MA Earned Sick Leave Law (as of 7.1.2015)
- OBRA and FICA Medicare Exemption Form: State retirees that return to work after retirement are exempt from contributing to OBRA and should complete this form. Students may be exempt from contributing to OBRA and the Medicare portion of FICA. To qualify for the exemption, the student employee must meet BOTH of the following criteria:
- Must be currently enrolled for a minimum of 6 credits
- Is not working full-time (37.50 hours per week)
- Payroll Public Record Exemption Form
Time Reporting/HR Direct
Reporting Time - Hourly Employees
The directions above will walk you through entering time in HR Direct. All employees can access HR Direct through the UITS Product Catalog page. Bookmark this page for future access as it is a connecting tool to many services.
Required Policies (Must Read)
Every employee must read and become familiar with the contents of the President’s Office Online Employee Handbook. The handbook provides a summary of key policies and procedures, as well as the benefits offered to President’s Office employees. While the handbook provides important information relative to all aspects of your employment at the President’s Office, it cannot be used as the basis for all decisions. To that end, we encourage you to consult your supervisors and members of our Human Resources staff with any additional questions you may have.
As a new employee, you are expected to familiarize and comply with all UMass President Office policies/guidelines. Please familiarize yourself with these policies and take steps to ensure that you are in compliance with the policies as you conduct your daily business.
Employee Handbook and UMass Policies
State Ethics Training & Conflict of Interest Law
All employees are required to comply with the State Ethics Statute (Chapter 268A of the General Laws), as amended, which imposes on all state agencies, and on all state employees, affirmative obligations that are designed to ensure that no state employee is uninformed of any statutory requirements pursuant to ethical standards or conflicts of interest.
According to this statute, there are two requirements the President's Office is obligated to make you aware of. First, you must take an online training course concerning the statute's requirements, and second, you must acknowledge receipt of the Summary Description of the Conflict of Interest Law for State Employees. New employees must complete such training within 30 days of the date on which they commence employment and once every two years thereafter.
Learn more about State Ethics Training
Ethics and Fraud Awareness Center
It is every employee's responsibility to protect the University from unethical behavior. Ethical violations in any form will not be tolerated. To help prevent and detect unethical behavior each employee is tasked with safeguarding and preserving the assets and resources of the University, particularly those for which he or she is responsible. In accordance with the University's Fraudulent Financial Activities Policy, each University employee is expected to report any instance of suspected ethical misconduct to management and/or University Internal Audit.