Reflecting on Five Years of Progress: UPST’s Journey

President Meehan and a group of UPST

As we celebrate UPST's 5-year anniversary, we reflect on a journey marked by system enhancements and engagement. Thanks to the support of our campus stakeholders, including those at UMPO, we have transformed the way UMass does business.

man with white hair looking at the camera with a cabinet of books behind him.

Employee Spotlight: Bob Gamache

This month, we're spotlighting Bob Gamache, Senior Vice President Emeritus of Academic Affairs and Professor Emeritus at UMass Lowell. A double UMass alumni, Bob continues to contribute to academia with his ongoing research.

Upcoming Dates and Events

Accessibility Tip of the Month

Use a familiar, simple, and easy to parse font for body content in digital documents, emails, and on digital signage. When selecting a font, ensure that characters are distinct from each other, such as a lowercase l and an uppercase I and the number 1. For example, Verdana has clearly distinct designs for characters. Note that there is no one optimal font, but selecting an easy to parse font will improve everyone’s overall reading speed and understanding of your content. Learn more about fonts on the WebAIM Typefaces and Fonts page.