The Digital Experience (DX) team at the UMass Office of the President provides comprehensive support to staff across various digital fronts. We manage the code and design of President's Office websites and train content editors on website best practices, including how to create accessible content. The DX team provides the administrative support for the President's Office's email marketing tool and guidance on how to deliver accessible email campaigns. We are also responsible for the accessibility testing of products that the President's Office purchases for the general public, employees, and students. We keep up on the latest digital innovations and standards, and constantly strive for continuous improvement of all our services. 


Web Development & Design

Web code icon.The DX team manages the backend President’s Office websites and other digital properties. We provide training, support, develop new web components and designs, and provide recommendations to meet strategic goals.

Digital Accessibility

Video captions icon.Our team works on ensuring that President's Office websites, documents, and products all meet current digital accessibility standards.

Email Marketing

Email icon.We support both internal and external email marketing across the office, providing technical support, trainings, and developing new email templates to improve open rates and engagement with audiences.

User Experience

AB Testing icon.We ensure that user experience best practices are incorporated into our design efforts, including engaging customers in usability testing. 

Innovation Sprints

Light bulb icon.We host monthly innovation sprints that make time for staff to explore emerging technologies and trends that could benefit the office through greater efficiency and productivity.

Reporting & Analytics

Report icon.The DX team provides departments with reports and analytics around customer journeys on our websites, how customers are searching our sites, overall customer engagement with our email campaigns, and the quality of our web content. 

DX Resources for Employees

Digital Accessibility Standards and Resources

Access digital accessibility standards around email, documents, procurement, social media, web content, and more. 

DubBot Knowledge Articles

Access knowledge articles on how to use the DubBot web content quality assurance tool.

Mailchimp Knowledge Articles

The Mailchimp Product page provides staff members with key knowledge articles around Mailchimp, including how to create accessible email marketing campaigns and how to ensure text wraps around images on multiple devices.