Creating an Expense Report Header (PDF, Video)
Creating an Expense Report Based on a Completed Trip or from an Approved Request (PDF, Video)
Attaching an Approved Request to an Expense Report (PDF, Video)
Adding US Bank Card Transactions to an Expense Report (PDF, Video)
Adding an Out-Of-Pocket Expense to an Expense Report (PDF, Video)
Attaching Additional Documents to an Expense Report (PDF, Video)
Uploading Receipts using Available Receipts (PDF, Video)
Working with Available Receipts (PDF, Video)
Missing Receipt Declaration- Create in Concur (PDF, Video)
Entering Personal Car Mileage (PDF, Video)
Adding Attendees to a Business Meal Expense (PDF, Video)
Creating an Attendee Group (PDF, Video)
Converting Foreign Currency Transactions (PDF, Video)
Add Per Diem/ Travel Allowance (PDF, Video)
Allocating Expenses (PDF, Video)
Adding Favorite Allocations (speedtypes) (PDF)
Copying an Expense (PDF, Video)
Correcting and Resubmitting an Expense Report (PDF)
Reviewing Report Timeline (PDF, Video)
Print or Share an Expense Report (PDF, Video)
Deleting an Expense Report (PDF)
Submitting an Expense Report (PDF, PDF-Med School, Video)
Recalling an Expense Report (PDF, Video)
Adding Terra Dotta Number into Concur Expenses (Amherst, Boston, Chan, Lowell) (PDF-Amherst, Boston, Chan, Lowell)
Adding PeopleSoft Number into Concur Expenses (Dartmouth, President's Office) (PD-Dartmouth, President's Office)
Expensing Purchases Made for Another User With a US Bank Card (PDF, Video)
Creating Expense Reports with Bank Card Transactions made on behalf of Someone Else (PDF)
Manage Expenses screen navigation (Video)
Expense Report screen navigation (Video)
Creating a Request for Prior Approval or Exception Request (PDF)
Creating and Submitting a Request for Pre-Travel Authorization for Domestic Travel (PDF, PDF-Med School, Video)
Creating and Submitting a Request for Pre-Travel Authorization International Travel (PDF, PDF-Med School, Video)
Pre-Travel Authorization: Multiple Destination Travel (Video)
Attaching Documents to a Request (PDF)
Viewing a Request Timeline (PDF, Video)
Closing a Request (PDF, Video)
Deleting Request (Video)
Creating a Blanket Travel- Amherst ONLY (PDF-Amherst)
Creating and Submitting a Request for Personal International Travel with University Devices and/or Data (PDF)
Exception to be reimbursed for travel when Pre-Travel Authorization was not obtained- Domestic Travel (PDF)
Exception to be reimbursed for travel when Pre-Travel Authorization was not obtained- International Travel (PDF)
Reviewing and Approving an Expense Report (PDF, Video)
Sending Back an Expense Report (PDF, Video)
Adding an Additional Approver to an Expense Report (PDF, Video)
Reviewing and Approving a Request (pre-travel authorization) (PDF, PDF-Med School, Video)
Reviewing and Approving a Request (prior approval or exception) (PDF, PDF-Med School, Video)
Sending Back a Request (pre-travel authorization, prior approval or exception) (PDF, Video)
Adding an Additional Approver to a Request (pre-travel authorization, prior approval, or exception) (PDF, Video)
UMPO A&F: Adding Budget Approver to a Pre-travel Authorization (PDF)
UMass Expense and Request Approval Workflows (PDF)
Reviewing Previously Approved Reports or Requests (Video)
Acting as a Delegate (PDF- Lowell, PDF- Amherst Boston Dartmouth, PDF-Med School, Video, Video- Amherst Boston Dartmouth)
Submit a Report Prepared by a Delegate- Amherst Boston and Dartmouth ONLY (PDF-Amherst Boston Dartmouth)
Acting as a Delegate Preparer vs Submitter- Chan Medical School ONLY (PDF-Med School)
Adding a Delegate (PDF, Video)
Adding a Travel Assistant (PDF)
Delegate Options (In profile settings)(Video)
Expensing Purchases Made for Another User With a US Bank Card (PDF, Video)
Condensed Concur Training (Video)
Video and Deck from System-wide Orientation on Student Pre-Travel Authorization
Requests Created From Employee Concur Profiles (Faculty led and/or Campus Sponsor)
Amherst Student Pre-Travel Authorization Requests (PDF)
Boston Student Pre-Travel Authorization Requests (PDF)
Dartmouth Student Pre-Travel Authorization Requests (PDF)
Lowell Student Pre-Travel Authorization Requests (PDF)
Requests Created From Student Concur Profiles (Self-Service) Only available to Amherst, Chan Medical and Lowell
Domestic Student Pre-Travel Authorization - Amherst, Lowell (PDF)
International Student Pre-Travel Authorization - Amherst, Lowell (PDF)
Domestic Student Pre-Travel Authorization - Chan (PDF)
International Student Pre-Travel Authorization - Chan (PDF)
The Concur videos and PDF job aids illustrate the basics of using the Concur system but do not reflect differences in system configuration for the University of Massachusetts.
Concur Travel & Expense Support
There are 3 ways to get T&E support as listed below:
- Submit a support request online to create a case by the types listed:
- Email to create a case
- Call the Concur Hotline at (774)570-5507. Live phone support M-F from 9-4.