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Record Name Records Record Category Campus Effective Date
Operating Budget FY2025 Action 3. FY25 Budget.pdf Annual Reports UMass System
FY2024 ERM Report FY24 ERM Report_Final June 2024_Abridged.pdf Annual Reports UMass System
Financial Aid Report - FY2024 Info 1. FY24 Financial Aid Report - FINAL.pdf Annual Reports UMass System -
FY 2023 R&D Expenditures Report R&D Expenditures Report 2023 v4.0.pdf Annual Reports UMass System -
FY24 Close - FY25 Open Memo FY24 Close - FY25 Open Memo UMPO.pdf Annual Reports UMass System
FY2025 Finance Fiscal Calendar FY2025 GL Month End Close Schedule.pdf Annual Reports UMass System
UMass Data and ERM - EACUBO EACUBO UMASS DATA AND ERM 030624 FINAL PDF.pdf Annual Reports UMass System
URMIA National 2023 URMIA National 2024_FINAL.pdf Annual Reports UMass System
Audit and Risk Committee Meeting - April 3, 2024 Audit Risk Committee_ERM Update_04032024_DRAFT REV 2.0.pdf Annual Reports UMass System
Automated Travel Registration FAQs Automated Registration FAQs 031824.docx Annual Reports UMass System