Date/Time and Location

International Non-Binary People's Day is celebrated on July 14 each year. Katje van Loon started International Non-Binary People's Day in 2012. The date of International Non-Binary People's Day was chosen as it is midway between International Women’s Day (March 8) and International Men’s Day (November 19). 

Non-binary is an umbrella term for people whose gender identity does not fit neatly into the categories of man or woman. Non-binary people may identify as both a man and a woman, neither a man nor a woman, or somewhere in between. They may also use gender-neutral pronouns such as they/them. 

International Non-Binary People's Day is a day to celebrate the diversity of non-binary people and to raise awareness of the challenges they face. Non-binary people often experience discrimination, prejudice, and violence. They may also face challenges accessing healthcare, housing, and employment. 

On International Non-Binary People's Day, we can all do our part to support non-binary people. We can educate ourselves about non-binary identities, use gender-neutral pronouns, and challenge discrimination. We can also support non-binary organizations and initiatives. 

By working together, we can create a more inclusive and accepting world for non-binary people.