Raksha Bandhan, also known as Rakhi, is the Hindu festival that celebrates the eternal bond of siblinghood. “Raksha” means protection and “Bandhan” means “to tie”. Traditionally on this day, a sister ties a talisman or amulet bracelet called a rakhi around her brother’s right wrist. This act symbolizes a sister’s prayers for her brother’s prosperity, health, well-being and protection from challenges in the year ahead. A brother gives a gift to his sister in return as a token of his affection and respect.
Modern day celebrations include brother-to-brother and sister-to-sister relationships, as well as sibling-like relationships among cousins, friends and neighbors. Festivities also include sweet desserts such as Ras Malai, Gulab Jamun , Shahi Tukda and dried fruits.
Rakhi is typically observed on the full moon in Sravana, the fifth month of the Hindu calendar, and occurs on August 30 this year.