Yara: Hello, everyone, and happy Friday.

Ben venidos, senors and senoras.

Thank you so much for taking your Friday, your lunchtime to spend the next hour with us.  My name is Yara Hentz. I'm a program manager in UITS at the UMass President's Office. And this year, I also had the privilege to co-lead the International Women's Day event with Zoila Altamirano. Thank you so much for that opportunity.

Today, we have a wonderful presentation in store for you where you will learn techniques to practice at home, at work, anywhere, to allow you to quiet your mind and find inner peace. We are very excited about that.

Thank you so much for, again, being with us. Before we begin, I have to give a quick shoutout to our international women's family. Thank you so much for your time, for your stories, for your journeys that you shared with us so we are able to grow, become stronger and that we know we are not alone. Thank you. Thank you, everybody for everything.  

A couple of ground rules before we begin. Rules of engagement. As this is a remotely held meeting, we would like guests to follow a few basic guidelines to keep the meeting flowing smoothly. We are using the Zoom webinar feature. Attendees are in a listen and view only mode right now. We ask that you hold off on questions until after the presentation. After the presentation, feel free to put your questions in the Q&A and whatever we cannot answer live, we will respond later. We will be recording this session. If you would like to turn on closed caption, click the cc feature, Show Caption, located at the bottom of your Zoom screen.  

A little about our speaker. Chaya Mallavaram has worked in technology for over 20 years and at the University of Massachusetts in the UITS department since 2008. Her primary responsibility is creating and producing software solutions. 

Chaya graduated with an accounting degree from Bangalore University. She choose a career in technology because of her passion for software solutions and her enthusiasm for developing programs. She has also been a visual artist since childhood and developed her skills by teaching herself how to paint and in her spare time, using emotions and intuition as a guiding force. Her painting process is now part of her daily meditation practice which she uses to introspect, reflect, and heal.

Having always found inner peace and contentment in whatever life offered, she now aspires to empower others to do the same.

To see more of Chaya's paintings, please go to www.chayafineart.com. Thank you. Chaya?

Chaya: Yes. Hi, everyone. Let me share my screen.  

[Chaya shares her presentation].

Hi, everyone. Today, I will be sharing my secret sauce for inner peace. This is from my own perspective and experience. It's something that I discovered on my quest for inner peace. It's up to you to take what I'm about to share and implement it in your lives because, after all, you are the master of your heart. 

Once you learn and implement it, you will experience inner peace. It will become a part of your subconscious mind and your system. When it becomes a part of your system and you experience inner peace, you will then start spreading it to the environment around you. The people around you will start feeling your inner peace. When they start feeling your inner peace, they will want to know what that secret sauce is. You can then share that so they can experience. When they experience, they will then start spreading it to their environment; thus, collectively, we can all experience peace within us and thus heal the planet together.

I know my goal is big, but my father always told me to reach for the stars and the sky is the limit so I'm going for it.

I want to talk a little bit about my own journey. I grew up in India. Although I went to great schools, my schooling was a pretty traumatic experience for me. I didn't understand why I had to memorize and reproduce all the math and science formulas and the history dates. None of that made sense to me. I didn't understand why I had to be motivated for grades or competing with other people. None of that made sense.    

But I did it anyways and I ended up with a degree in accounting, following my father's footsteps. But I had no passion for it. One day, talking to my cousin, he introduced me to computer programming. That's when I fell in love with it. I realized how easy it was. I didn't have to work hard. I realized that I would spend hours in front of my computer programs without even realizing how time was flying. That's how I ended up with a degree, with a career in computer science.

Also, along the side, I always pursued my passion for art. Right from my childhood, from drawing cartoons to abstract... to now abstract paintings, but in the middle, I was also painting portraits and landscapes. Being a very emotional person, I used art to process my emotions. As I was processing my emotions over the years, I began to understand myself better. I began to understand how my brain functions and why I liked certain things and why I did not like certain things and why I gravitated towards my career and why schooling was such a traumatic experience for me. I began to see the connection between my career and my art. I realized that I loved creating things from scratch and that I was a risk taker.  I also realized I could teach myself anything that I was passionate about and that I always followed my heart.

Also, certain challenging situations in my life led me to seek meditation. That's where I began to experience peace. One day, I had an awakening. I realized that there were no coincidences, everything had a purpose. Life was teaching me lessons. All the pain that I had experienced were teaching me lessons and I was learning from them.    

Also, all the pain that I had experienced, I realized existed in others as well. If I could find peace within myself, then I could teach the same to others. Here I am, sharing my information, my inner knowledge with you all.  

I want you all to have an open mind with what I'm about to share. When you are open, you become receptive to information. When you become receptive, you grow.  

I want to talk about energy. So what is energy? Energy is the light force inside of us. It is what which is beneath our physical body. It is that aura that we emit. It is that vibration we emit. It is the feeling that we get when we walk into a room. It is triggered inside of us and is triggered by the environment and people and circumstances.

I want to talk about the two main energies, the masculine energy and the feminine energy. These two energies are not tied to a gender, sexuality or sexual orientation. These energies can exist in any human being. A man or a woman can both experience these energies within themselves. It's not a 50/50. You can have any kind of combination. It can be a 70/30 or 60/40. Only you would know but they exist.

What is masculine energy? Masculine energy is the action oriented and the doer.  It has structure and it has roots. It is driven by logic. 

The feminine energy, on the other hand, is fluid and it's dynamic. It has no structure and rules. It is driven by the heart.

These two energies, although opposite in nature, are interconnected. What you are seeing here is the yin-yang diagram, which is the Chinese philosophical diagram which describes opposite but interconnected energies.  

I want to go through certain characteristics which are under the masculine energy and the feminine energy. These are the terms that I gathered from various psychological and spiritual sources. As I'm reading, I'm going to read through the list. As I'm reading, I want you to recognize and see if it exists in you. If these energies are natural to you, if they are built in, the ones that you do not have to work hard for, if they are part of your system. I would say go back to a happy place in your life and see if you experience any of these energies.  

Masculine energy: Leadership. Action. Reason. Logic. Adventure. Strength. Loyalty. Firmness. Survival. Confidence. Focus. Pride. Honor. Efficiency. Power. Caretaker.

The feminine energy is empathy.  Nurture. Fluidity. Softness. Reception. Openness. Devotion. Creative. Compassion. Community. Feelings. Support. Intuition. Life. Understanding.

I'll bet you recognized some of these energies within yourself. I want you to claim those energies as yours. If they come naturally to you, they belong to you, irrespective of what society or schooling, your family or anybody else has ever told you in your life. I want you to claim them as yours, because they are yours.  

I want to give you another analogy, of the masculine and feminine energy. Think of water. Think that if you want to supply water to the bathroom and the kitchen faucet in your house. If you just take a bucket of water and you pour it, it is just going to splash all over the room. Instead, if you direct the water into the pipes so that it is available in the faucet of the kitchen and your bathroom, you are going to use it for the purpose it was intended. In this case, water is the feminine energy and the pipes are the masculine energy. But these two energies, by itself, are pretty useless. The water, by itself, is not going to serve the purpose. The pipe, by itself, is useless. Together, they work dynamically.

Again, I want to reiterate that a woman can have the masculine energy and a man can have the feminine energy. It's not tied to gender, sex or sexuality. I ask you to recognize your core energies in my previous slide. 

What are these core energies? The core energies are the ones that come easy to you, they are natural to you, you do not have to work hard. They are your strengths. It's the ones that you love to do. They come from a place of joy and happiness. Those are your core energies.  

I also want to go through the shadow energies. The shadow energies exists in us and they are destructive in nature. If these energies are not eradicated, they can create havoc in us and outside of us. 

I want to go through the Shadow Masculine and Shadow Feminine energies. When I go through the list, I want you to recognize if they exist in you. If they exist in you, I want you to recognize them. Only when you recognize them, you can get rid of them.  

Shadow Masculine: Perpetrator. Abuse of power. Unstable. Aggression. Control. Confrontational. Criticism. Abuse. Avoidance.  

Shadow Feminine: Victim. Powerless. Weakness. Manipulation. Neediness. Co-dependency. Over-sensitivity. Over-emotional.  

So, what if you can completely get rid of these energies, eradicate, remove them from our system? If we do that, we will be getting rid of the two big forces that are dominating the world today, which is fear and control. Because of fear, we not only control ourselves and suppress ourselves, but we control the people around us, our loved ones, our children. What if we can completely remove all these negative energies and start adding all the positive energies? 

The positive energies, your core energies, once you start claiming and you start adding other natural, other positive energies, to support your core energy and completely get rid of the negative energies, you will begin to experience peace.

How do you remove all these negative energies within ourselves? What has worked for me is converting the Shadow Feminine energy into the Positive Masculine Energy and the Shadow Masculine energy into the Positive Feminine Energy. It is the opposite. The Shadow Feminine becomes the masculine, positive masculine, and the Shadow Masculine becomes the positive feminine. 

Once you start converting these negative energies into positive masculine and feminine energy and fully embracing core energy and adding other energy, positive energies we might not have, learn and add that to support the core energies, do you know what happens? You will start exhibiting, emitting energy from your heart. Your Heart Energy is pure and authentic. It describes you. It is your pure self. We all have hearts, don't we? We are all capable of emitting the beautiful Heart Energy in us. What if we all start doing that? Then we will be able to connect with each other through our hearts, fully accepting ourselves, fully loving ourselves for who we are and then connecting and accepting loved ones for who they are. Once we start connecting with our hearts, we will not only experience peace, but also spread the peace around us.

How do we go from here? Now that you have all this information of energies, what do you do? What are the next steps?

I would say the number one thing is to take the journey inwards. Take that journey inwards and figure out who you are. Figure out what your purpose is. Why are you here on this planet? How are you going to make a difference being you? Recognize your core energies and add all the other energies, positive energies that you might not have, that might not come naturally to you. Then remove negativity from your life. Any form of negativity - negative energies, negative environments, just completely get rid of them so that you can emit that positive energy within you. 

Practice the art of letting go. This has been one of the biggest game changers in my life. When you let go, you let go of control. As you know, it is one of the biggest, destructive forces in this world. 

How did I achieve that?

Through meditation. Through meditation, I was able to let go and allow myself to be fully in the moment and allowing other forces to come and do their job. Letting go, surrendering to the moment, is the best thing that I have ever learned. Take any of the negative experience and see what is it teaching you at that moment. Only you will know because that experience is yours. Learn from it. Do not suppress any negative feelings or numb them. Instead, process them and see what is life teaching you with those negative feelings.

Do not compare or compete with others, because doing so will take away the focus from you. It will take away your own growth. So do not compare or compete with others. We do not know what others are going through. We have no clue. We don't even know what our core energies are, so forget about others. We don't know anything about them. Stop comparing to other people. Do not focus on external factors. When I say that, I mean external factors like a car or a house or a title, job title. It will take away the focus from you and your self-discovery. To be able to shine your light fully, do not look at external factors.    

Once you start doing that, you will start leading your life with authenticity everywhere you go, not just at home, but at work, at social settings, everywhere you go, you will be able to carry your authentic self.

When you take that beautiful, authentic Heart Energy, and you use that to make a difference in others, in your own, unique way as we are all unique human beings and use that as a service to others either through a job or volunteering work, whatever makes sense to you. Use that to make a difference in somebody else's life. You will start experiencing inner peace.

If I have to summarize, to achieve inner peace, I would say recognize your core masculine and feminine energies and add the learned masculine and feminine energies, which might not come natural to you, to support your core energies, then remove any kind of negativity, Shadow Energies from your life so you can emit and exhibit the Heart Energy, which is pure, beautiful and authentic, and use that to serve others. You will experience inner peace. 

I want to thank you all for joining me today. It means a lot to listen to something that I'm so passionate about sharing. I also want to thank everyone at UMass, especially the leadership, who have allowed me to fully exhibit my authentic self, and I also want to thank everyone for the International Women's Day committee who have worked tirelessly to make this event a successful event. I want to thank Megan Momtaheni, who started this tradition of celebrating International Women's Day here at UMass back in 2019.

Before I end this and open up to Q&A where you can ask me anything on the subject, I love to be challenged, so ask me. And I will show you a video. It's a two-minute video of a collection of quotes from people who have fearlessly exhibited feminine energies, which is much required in this planet as I call for balance, not just within ourselves, but in the world.

[Chaya shares her screen and plays a video]. 

"The intuitive mind is a sacred gift, and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that 
honors the servant and has forgotten the gift." - Albert Einstein.  

"Empathy is really important. Only when our clever brain and human heart work together in harmony can we achieve our true potential." - Jane Goodall.  

"Authenticity is also about the courage and the vulnerability to say, 'Yeah I'll try it. I feel pretty uncomfortable and I feel a little vulnerable but I'll try it!'" - Brené Brown.

"Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become." - Steve Jobs.

"Anything you can imagine you can create." - Oprah Winfrey.

"Empathy makes you a better innovator." - Satya Nadella.

"Don't let the noise of others opinions drown out your own inner voice." - Steve Jobs.  

"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration." - Nikola Tesla.

"In a gentle way, you can shake the world." - Mahatma Gandhi.

[Chaya stops sharing the video].

Chaya: Alright, thank you! I can't wait for the Q&A.

Maggie: Thank you, Chaya. What a wonderful presentation. Really, really impressive. Good afternoon, everyone. My name is Maggie Drouineaud and I am the chief diversity officer for compliance on capital projects at the UMass Building Authority. Today, I'm going to be your moderator for the Q&A session. We would appreciate if you drop your questions in the chat box so Chaya can answer your questions as they come in.  

First question, Chaya: What are the best ways to combat some of the masculine shadow energy?

Chaya: The masculine... okay. I think if I share my screen again, and go back, it's easier if you see.

[No audio as Chaya goes back in presentation].

As I said, what has worked for me - the biggest Shadow Masculine energy that I had was control. For me, as I mentioned, to let go of control was meditation. You up your feminine energy and meditation helps in all areas, especially intuition and gut feeling and going with the flow. I see myself more of the feminine energy. Definitely much natural feminine energy. 

Again, it's not tied to a gender. I know my best friend from high school says she has masculine energies as her core. It is not, again, tied to gender. 

If you do, for me, what control was meditation. I can't talk enough about meditation as it allows us to all release that. The reason - here is the thing - I do not believe one single soul has any negative intention. All of us are beautiful souls. It's only the fear, because of fear or the external factors, we do not shine our light authentically and beautifully. I can't talk enough about meditation. Meditation means different things for different people. Allow yourself to feel and experience meditation in your own way.

For me, what's helped is - because I'm a very restless doer, action-oriented person - I meditate while I'm walking. I take morning walks and I'm walking as I'm meditating. I'm listening to different things. I meditate while painting. It's a conscious effort. It's a daily practice where you can release all your fears, all of your negative feelings through meditation and allow the bigger forces in this universe to take care of it.

Usually, it's the fear which stops us. We want to control all of that because we think we are it. We have other forces that we are unaware of that we are unaware of to take care of our needs. Just release that and go with the flow. Going with the flow is the answer. I would say do that. It will take care of all of that. All of that.

Maggie: So talking about meditation, how long have you been practicing meditation?

Chaya: So, being a natural feminine energy kind of person, I used to experience the state of mind even when I was a child. In school, I was known to be the daydreamer and I had teachers throwing chalk at me, because I would zone out. Meditation is zoning out and going to that place. You can go into that meditative state of mind even while walking. Once I realized that's what it is, I know what that is. I know how going into the state of mind is.

I consciously started practicing. What I realized is, it can be like a retreat and you go away for ten days and you come back doing the same... It has to be a daily practice. Meditation, it may not be -- it can be five minutes a day. 

For me, I consciously started back in 2018, maybe. 2018. I love it. I wouldn't be here today presenting this to you if I did not practice meditation. I would do five minutes every morning and night. Whatever suits you. You are the master of your heart so whatever works for you.      

Maggie: Great. Thank you. Next question. How do you ground yourself in the face of mayhem and confusion?

Chaya: So, great question. Okay. When you have mayhem, you can only focus on one thing and that's you. You want to be able to be the best version of you at any given point. Right? Because we can't control forces that we have no control of. As you know, have you tried controlling anything and it doesn't go... you can't. It's impossible to control things that are not in our control. The only thing we can control in a positive way is our own mind and be the best version of ourselves at any given point.  

Thanks to my teenager, I did say, I will mention him, it thanks to him that I learned meditation. Now we connect with the heart and it's beautiful. Our relationship is beautiful because of the fear, the love a parent will have for a child. You want to control your children and the day I learned to surrender and live in the moment, I was able to do that.

I also want to... I don't have this book with me, I would highly recommend... my brother-in-law recommended this book to me. I don't know the author but I just read one story and it resonated. It's called, "The Surrender Experiment." If anybody wants to use that, I think it will take care of a lot of Shadow Masculine and live in the moment.

For me, here is one thing I want to add. You might read as many books or as many podcasts, listen to as many podcasts, listen to my thing but if you do not practice it in your life, it's not going to go away. Life is always showing you these things. So you need to take it and practice it.  

Maggie: Okay. Great. We have more questions on meditation. Can you explain your meditation process?

Chaya: For me, as you know, I can talk about me. It's not a traditional process but I do sit down. I put on, for me it's difficult, it's hard to focus. I do need music, so you can get it free on YouTube. I have Spotify, so look for manifestation music or meditation music. It is at a certain frequency. It's a high level frequency. It's 500, about. I don't remember. You can search for manifestation music.

I listen to that. I have a good Bose headset so I have that in my ears. The second I listen to that, I can zone out. I can get into that theta state within seconds. For me, it's that, yeah, and painting as well.      

Maggie: Great. You know, I know you talked about when is the best time to practice - you can practice anytime, anywhere.

Chaya: Anytime you want, morning, before you start your day and to clear out all the things we have gathered. 

I can stop sharing.

Maggie: Thank you. This next question has two parts. The first part - where did you get the concept of masculine and feminine energies from?      

Chaya: So, I have always been inclined to energies. Anybody who knows me well, I have always talked about energies. I know through my painting, also, I recognize that I would take my paintings to shows, it would make people cry. It's something in it moved them. I knew that you are able to transmit energies through more than just words or, you know, paint art as a way of transmitting energies.

On my quest to learn more about energies, I saw this image, if you go to Google - this is how I did it - if you go to Google and type in masculine and feminine energy and go to images, you will see many images there.

I took that and I'm like, "Oh, I see all the Shadow Energies." You know, unless you see it, you don't realize it and so I saw it and, thanks to my friend, my high school best friend, Beena, she and I, I called her, and I said what is this, Beena? What are all these energies? We started processing them and we said, and so every day, for the last three years, I spoke to her a couple times a day and we, together, recognize what are our core energies.

She says hers is mainly the masculine energies. We use that and understood that's where I learned all of these, the masculine and feminine energy.

Maggie: Right. So the second part - is there a different labeling for them? Since masculine and feminine 
are very loaded words?

Chaya: I know. I wish there was. You can call it whatever. You can call it structure and flow energies. You have the freedom to name it. The only reason it is called masculine and feminine is because that's what the world calls it. I would ask you to research. If you look at flow energies, you might not find it. Research on that.

Maggie: Thank you. Thank you. Next question is, "Are there any challenges you still experienced in this process of finding peace?    

Chaya: So there are, like, just this presentation I have never done, this is my first speech presentation of my life. You can imagine how many nerves. I did meditate. I had to learn to let go and be in the moment and talk from my heart.

I did... on that, I did take a course with Lynn Kirkham. Sorry, Lynne, if I'm pronouncing your name last wrong. www.yesyoucanspeaknow.com. I took courses and learned how to speak from my heart, which is what I always wanted to do. There are challenges, but I'm able to overcome them.

Maggie: Thank you. How do you convert energy?

Chaya: Ooh. By doing. Action. Action is the only way you can convert them to experience and to practice. I always had this one masculine energy. Action. I always took action. My, whatever I had, unknowingly, I had always done this, unconsciously, but now, I do it consciously. So it's faster.

Maggie: Mm-hmm. Great. Thank you. Next question - Can you give us an example of when you used masculine or feminine energy to fight Shadow Energies?

Chaya: So, um, yes. What are Shadow Energies? Shadow Energies are when you deadlock. When you are unable to fully express your core energies. My core energies are feminine energies, right? So I had to take action towards doing, removing those.

For instance, unknowingly I did this. I took action by pouring my emotions into art. And now people love it, so it's converted into something beautiful. All my emotions, people are loving it. And here, right here, I had all this knowledge and wisdom and knowing all of that. Being able to express it with no personal goal but just so that it will help other people.

So just this is converting. If you are able to express your core energies, you can do it in -- if it's not a work setting, you can find volunteer work to express them.      

Maggie: Thank you, Chaya. Thank you. We only have 15 minutes left so we are going to try to get to as many questions as we can.

Next question is, What suggestion do you have to help people who want to improve their less dominant energy? What is one practice we can do on a daily basis?

Chaya: So, yeah, the less dominant. Recognize them, what they are. If you have a list now, recognize and work on them because we all have it, right? We all have all the good energies. They are just not obvious. You can work on them. You can -- since I am -- I don't have a book yet, I would say just follow your gut.

Following your gut is the number one thing I would recommend. Just, you know, for me all paths lead to meditation. Just recognize them and take action. Action is really important. Just reading and knowing doesn't -- action and implement it in your lives so you balance out. It's all about aligning, alignment of your masculine and feminine energy.

Maggie: Thank you. The next question is, Does over empathizing affect your help towards positive energy? Does it affect it?

Chaya: No, there's nothing called -- okay, there's nothing called over doing it. It's the expectations that you have by doing it. If you have empathy and if you are expecting someone to acknowledge it, that is where the problem is. So that's another thing I had to let go. Let go of expectations. I had to attend this.

Even this, I called the town, to attend this, but I have zero expectations. Once you let go of expectations, which is the killer, you start doing amazing work. Your heart will start to shine. Because each one sees empathy in a different way.

For me, I have always believed in teaching someone how to fish than to give the fish - so each one is different. For me, sharing, just sharing this is empathy towards humanity and it's not just, there's nothing called over doing it. It's just people are different.

Maggie: Great. Thank you. And you talked about your journeys in school in India. The next question is, Do you have plans to present this same session to teachers at local schools?

Chaya: Absolutely. Whoever calls me. I'm all about sharing. I would love to do that.      

Maggie: Great. Can you speak more on the state of mind?    

Chaya: Ooh, state of mind. Yeah, so the state of mind -- so, mind and heart. The mind and the heart. The heart - you have to trust the heart knows better and the mind is full of logic and "if, then, else." Sorry, I'm a programmer. You have all these things and the mind is limiting. If you want to be in the best state of mind, you want to be free. You want your mind to be empty in the sense that you are able to receive information. You want to be in the flow state.

The flow state is the most beautiful state, which is the feminine energy. It is really required. To have a good state of mind, I would say meditation. Sorry. All roads lead to meditation, so you can be in the best state of mind to handle that situation - the only situation you can handle is that moment, so you want to live in the moment.

Maggie: Thank you. Thank you. We have more 12 more minutes. You spoke about pushing out negativity. Does that include setting up healthy boundaries personally and professionally?

Chaya: Yes. It's all about - good question, great question. I know I could not address everything. It's about boundaries. I learned that from my own experiences and thanks to - I have nothing but thanks to all my negative experiences so I could experience and now share it with everyone.

Boundaries is key. It is so important. Boundaries teach you to protect yourself, protect your own energies because everyone is unique and not allowing others to come into your energy and then you consciously connect with other people through... when you want to and when your heart is fully open.

I do use crystal so anybody who knows me really well, I tell them, but I did realized, earlier I was always about, "Just here, here is the thing, go do it."

I realized this was my own learning and my own growth, that everybody has different ways of learning and different... people are different. Again, just share what I do and I do have if you see me, I have a bunch of crystal bracelets on my hands and I meditate with crystals.

I mean, it's all, if people think it's placebo, then it will be a placebo but they do carry energy. And I'm all about 
alternative healing. I will do anything to not take medicine or give medicine to anybody, so these help.

If you see me and if you see me as a child, you know I've grown a lot. It's about releasing and, yeah.      

Maggie: Thank you, Chaya. And going to a previous question - the correct information - is the name of the book, "The Surrender Experiment: My Journey to Life's Perfection," by Michael A. Singer?

Chaya: Yes, yes, that's the one. Yes, great book.

Maggie: Thank you. You gave us some good insights on the different energies we possess. How can we leverage them to find inner peace? So, as I said, I can share that one slide. Oh, just a second.

[Chaya navigates slides].

If somebody wants to take a screen shot, that's fine. The reason I emphasize this presentation on the masculine and feminine energy is so that we can all recognize our inner strengths.

Once you recognize your inner strengths, and you claim them, then you own them. A lot of heart has happened. For me, my schooling, which is a very dominant, masculine energy. Now I know why I did not thrive in that environment. It's about memorizing, reproducing grades - I had to be a certain... None of those were motivating factors for me.  

So it's about recognizing. That's the reason I emphasize on that because you could be dimmed down through many things, through schooling, society, because society is, up until now, and even now, it's getting better, is all rule following.

We have to be a certain way. We have to think a certain way. And what is the certain way? If you believe you are 
a citizen of the universe, then you are guided by the laws of the universe, not laws set by somebody else and we are all good people.

Trust, irrespective of what people told you, you have to claim it. That's the reason I decided on energies. We don't realize, but since I'm a very introspective, I have studied myself for 50 years.  I have learned these techniques. So I'm sharing them with you.

So once you recognize them, you have to do all of this and there is more. I hope to share more on my social media. I am even talking to a publisher on a book, so I hope to share more.

Maggie: Thank you, Chaya. I am pretty sure all of us are trying to look for inner peace. How do you define inner peace and what does it mean to you?    

Chaya: Inner peace means not being bothered by the external factors and allow the external whatever experience to not affect your inner peace so that you perform fully, like at 100%, irrespective of what's happening. It needs a lot of inner work to get rid of all the negativity in you, which is blocking us from shining fully.

If you are able to carry 100% of you everywhere you go, that means allowing other people also - not controlling, not controlling and not let fear control you.

Be in the moment and allowing other forces to come in.

Even for this presentation, I have to thank Yara, who helped me with that last slide. She said you know you have it. Other people need to hear that. I didn't even realize that. I put that last slide together this last evening. It's about that, you know? Being open, welcoming.

Because everybody has their own strengths and you want to allow that to happen. For me, this is just, you know, one point in my journey. I am sure I will, you know, life will teach me more when I am open to receiving.      

Maggie: How do we find inner peace? How can I find inner peace?

Chaya: Action, action, action. Take action. Once you recognize them, take action toward developing more positive energies and removing the negative energy.

Just reading a book. Even reading "The Surrender Experiment," is not going to happen. Life is always teaching us lessons. Take those lessons seriously.      

Maggie: So you only have five more minutes left. You talked about your secret sauce. I love that term. How has your secret sauce influenced others?

Chaya: You can talk to my husband and my son. Yeah, it's just you can't help but spread that around you. People who know me at work can attest to that, I'm sure. So it's just... if we all do that and let -- so, I am not the kind who will go sit, stand, find stage because that's not me to spread this...    

I'm so grateful for people who set the stage for me so I can express it. It's about collaboration and allowing... Yeah. That's how you find peace. I am able to express today.

Just that is giving me so much peace.

Maggie: Great, thank you. One last question because it's 12:56. You spoke about visualizing peace during meditation. Can you talk more about it?

Chaya: Yeah. I didn't realize I used the word visualization, which is huge, which is big. When you visualize, you can visualize what you want, right?

Prayer sends out the energy of ask. You are saying you do not have it and you want it. You visualize that you 
already have it. So whatever peace means to you, visualize that you have it and you release your intentions while meditating. Then you will... Then just go about your day.

Once you have addressed... so the problem I see in people is that they are unable to release those. Once you release them and go about the day, yeah, visualize a good, happy picture, whatever you want. Whatever it means to you.  

Maggie: Great thanks. Chaya, I want to thank you for a good presentation. I want to thank everyone for their great questions. And if we have not answered your questions, we will get back to you after the presentation. Any last minute thoughts of yours?

Chaya: Yeah. One thing I want to say is do not expect others to fill in the energies that you have not fully developed within yourself. That expectation is the number one killer of joy. Learn to develop that yourself.

Then, once you do that, you will be able to access your Heart Energy and use that Heart Energy toward others to experience inner peace.      

Maggie: Great. We had some great comments, too. People are like, "Fantastic presentation. Thanks for the insights." So it was really well received.

Chaya: Thank you for listening. So spread it.

Maggie: Thank you.

John: Alright, thank you very much for attending, everyone. Session will close.