Yes, DocuSign will no longer be used for Travel & Business Expense.

Yes, business meeting attendees must be added within the Expense module. 

  • You will be able to search other UMass employees and add their name 
  • Concur begins to recognize frequently used names for future expense reports 
  • You can create groups of individuals to expedite the process
  • Names of non-UMass employees can also be added
  • Attendee lists can be uploaded and attached using an Excel template or a sign in sheet (handwritten or word document).

No, you will not have to save a paper copy. Once you allocate a receipt to an expense report, it will no longer show in your pending receipts folder.

Missing receipts will require a missing receipt affidavit with additional information.

Yes the same $25 threshold will be in effect. Receipts or a missing receipt affidavit will still be required for anything over $25.

You can only attach one item to each expense line. Should you need multiple images/pages, it will be in the form of one PDF with multiple pages.

The initial user will always be the person that is adding the expense. If the user did not attend the meal you can adjust the amount to $0 or 0% of the meal.

An expense will be marked as a bank card charge if you have a bank card linked to your SAP Concur account and the last four digits identified on the receipt match that card. If you do not have a linked bank card, or if the four digits on the receipt do not match those of your linked bank card, the expense will be classified as the default payment type.

Yes, we will be using standard system functionality to accomplish this.

Yes, Concur has reports that can provide this information.

Yes, Concur utilizes Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology that matches to Merchant category codes (MCCs) from the vendor.

Yes, certain fields can be marked as required. We are discussing with campuses which fields should be marked as required and which fields will require an additional attachment.

Multiple approved trip requests can be attached to an expense report. In the case of a rental car being used across multiple trips, the user will submit 1 expense report with multiple approved requests.

Receipts for out of pocket expenses will need to be uploaded to Concur. This can be done through the desktop application, mobile application, or forwarding an email receipt to your associated account. You will then need to assign transactions with receipts attached to an expense report for approval. 

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For any unanswered questions, please feel free to submit a question with this form: Project Fast Lane - Question Submission Form