Purchasing & Payment Services

The UPST successfully concluded the roll-out of the new Bank Card program in 2021. It was a major transformation initiative that changed the way of doing business for most of us. On brand with the “better, faster, cheaper” model, the UPST with your support transitioned the entire system to a harmonized and standardized UMass Bank Card Program. This ‘one card’ program consolidated the multiple programs and offers UMass and the cardholders flexibility to use a single card for both travel-related and supplies-related UMass expenses.  

In addition to the deployment of a new program, the UPST also implemented mandatory centralized upload and storage of statements and other supporting documentations in BuyWays. This centralized document repository helps the University meet its control obligations during periodic audits. As campuses return to business-as-usual, the UPST continues to hold training sessions and we encourage cardholders to attend.  

Learn more about the Bank Card program