Carol McDonough

President MSP, UMass Lowell Professor of Economics

Carol McDonoughExpertise: Use of technology in older adult populations

Selected Publications

  • Tang, J.J., Quayes, S., Joseph, G. (2020). Microfinance institutions, financial intermediation and the role of deposits. Accounting & Finance, 60 1635-1672.
  • Quayes, S., others, . (2019). Probability of Sustainability and Social Outreach of Microfinance Institutions. Economics Bulletin, 39(2) 1047--1056.
  • Hasan, T., Quayes, S., Khalily, B. (2019). Role of governance on performance of microfinance institutions in Bangladesh. Eurasian Economic Review, 9(1) 91--106.
  • McDonough, C.C., others, . (2017). US telco industry history as a prologue to its future. Australian Journal of Telecommunications and the Digital Economy, 5(2) 98.
  • McDonough, C.C. (2016). Fixed and Mobile Broadband, Bundling, and the Future of the Broadband Industry.
  • McDonough, C.C., Kingsley, D.C. (2015). The Impact of Mobile Broadband on the Digital Divide Affecting Older Adults. International Telecommunications Policy Review, 22(2) 27-42.
  • McDonough, C.C. (2015). Beyond Broadband Access: Developing Data-based Information Policy Strategies, Richard D. Taylor, Amit M. Schejter. Fordham University Press, New York, NY (Review). Telecommunications Policy, 39(2) 157-158.
  • Abdallah, L.M., McDonough, C.C., Knight, M., Melillo, K.D., Markkanen, P. (2013). Building interdisciplinary research: The cognitive health of older working adults. 3rd Annual Community Engagement and Research Symposium; Community Engaged Research: Exploring the Reach, Impact & Value
  • McDonough, C.C. (1995). Appalachia's Path to Dependency - Salstrom,P. Growth and Change, 26(4).
  • McDonough, C.C., Sihag, B.S. (1991). The Incorporation of Multiple Bases into Shift-share Analysis. Growth & Change, 22(1) 1-9.
  • McDonough, C.C., Sihag, B.S. (1989). Shift-share analysis: the International Dimension. Growth & Change, 20(3) 80-88.
  • McDonough, C.C. (1982). Corporate Plant Location Under Uncertainty - Divergence between the Interests of Ownership and Management. Managerial and Decision Economics, 3(2).
  • McDonough, C.C. (1982). Measurement of the Potential Demand for Academic and Professional Journals - a Methodology. Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 33(5).
  • McDonough, C.C. (1978). Simultaneous Equation Model of Demand for Manuscript Review. Review of Economics and Statistics, 60(1).